We are missing BIG opportunities to
bring veganism to the next generation.
Allow me to explain.
I’m Dr. Faraz Harsini, a biomedical and food system scientist, and founder & CEO of Allied Scholars for Animal Protection (ASAP). We are creating the next generation of young, thoughtful, and committed leaders to lead the vegan movement in Universities!
I’m sure you share my sentiment:
The end of animal farming and exploitation
can’t come soon enough.
You’ve likely asked yourself “What do we need to do to ensure the success of the vegan movement and animal liberation?”
ASAP’s answer: training the vegan leaders of the future.

Expanding ASAP is an investment in liberating animals that will compound over time. It will pay back!
You may believe we need more:
- ✔ Funders
- ✔ Alternative protein scientists and entrepreneurs
- ✔ Policymakers, politicians, and lawyers
- ✔ Physicians and scientists
I agree. We need all of them. But where do these people come from? Universities!

Bad news
Outside of our chapters, there is NO unified, systematic, and orchestrated effort to inspire students and guide them to influential positions.
Every single day we are missing BIG opportunities to bring veganism to the next generation of leaders. If we don’t invest in the future generation of influential vegans, we will be in trouble!

Good news

Starting a revolution
Imagine a world where business, social and religious leaders, members of Congress, and a majority of Supreme Court justices are vegan and against animal cruelty. Allied Scholars for Animal Protection (ASAP) does the unsexy work to make this world a reality.
We can fix this. But I can’t fix it alone. I need your help!
YOU have the opportunity to be the catalyst behind our organization ASAP!
I don’t have pictures of cute animal to show you! What I can show you is massive student engagement, outreach and educational events. Or that for the first time there are lasting and organized vegan groups at many universities.
Our goal is the Top 100!

In this video I explain my vision
Picture this:
It is the 1980s and you are attending Columbia University. Your name is Barack Obama. You have a long political career ahead of you during which you will shape the future of American democracy. But there’s NO animal rights group on campus for you to get involved with!
Whether you like him or not, imagine if ASAP had existed while Barack Obama was in college! Universities have an unparalleled ability to shape the minds of future leaders, and we’re shooting ourselves in the foot if we don’t establish a presence there.
ASAP chapters at schools like Columbia and Harvard (where George Bush attended business school) can help bring about the first vegan President.

By influencing future leaders and appealing to a broad audience, we can establish bipartisan understanding and create a more compassionate world.
The Federalist Society:
The Federalist Society was founded in 1982 by students at Harvard, Yale and UChicago.
The club was created as a safe space for conservative law students to discuss their views. At the time, it was not popular to be a conservative law student (just how it is not popular to be a vegan in today’s age).
In just ONE generation, it has grown to over 200 chapters and transformed the US legal system by influencing lawyers, judges, and Supreme Court Justices.
We aim to surpass them. :)

THIS is how far ASAP can go!

How do we do it?
The talent and potential to drive massive systemic changes for the animals already exist in universities.
Outside of ASAP, the infrastructure to harness this potential doesn’t!
Our work has three pillars, and together they create a lasting positive feedback loop, i.e. the more we do it the better and larger it gets!
Outreach: We ensure a strong presence of outreach events on campuses to continuously find veg-curious/vegan students to join the local ASAP chapter or to make new vegans. Each outreach event is tailored towards a different group, such as vegans, veg-curious folks, and the uninformed population.
Education and empowerment: We support students on-the-ground, guide the next generation toward impactful careers, and offer educational seminars. We turn students into vegan advocates.
Menu changes: We mentor students to transform their college dining halls, champion inclusive menus, and make veganism more accessible.

ASAP's impact is the talk of the town, and your voice becomes part of a powerful narrative.

- ✔ Statistically, 1-5% of these people are vegan friendly.
- ✔ Even more are open to the vegan message or ready to transition
- ✔ UT has 66,000 students + staff
- ✔ We set up in the most crowded area!
- ✔ If 1.5% are vegan → 1000 vegans? Where are they?
ASAP’s events create buzz on campus and make veganism a prominent part of campus discourse. You can’t miss us!
Here are some powerful moments from the past year:
We also had our Texas tour which was another MASSIVE success! Once again our posters always emphasize the impact that we create! With revolutions being the cornerstone of ASAP! Here are powerful moments that we captured from our Texas tour!

A recent investigation conducted by Dr. Faraz Harsini showcased the abhorrent practices taking place in farms all around the world. This one is located in Lavon, Texas.
What Faraz uncovered in his investigation was shocking….
And it proved exactly why we do exactly what we do at ASAP. And why we want to do everything in our power to raise awareness on these issues & fight against them through the power of universities!
In the aerial footage you can see that the lagoons are overflooded and are in close proximity to both a river and a lake.
200,000 people have to live in the smell of manure, and inhale dust containing antibacterial resistant species. With many of them being BIPOC who are unfortunately victims of environmental racism.
Use the power of universities to fight against these horrific industries that abuse animals. Until EVERY cage is empty!
The lagoons contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus which lead to eutrophication of the surrounding water, leading to death of marine life. It also contains other toxic chemicals and increases the risk of zoonotic diseases, asthma, etc.
These practices are kept hidden from our eyes. When people purchase animal “products”, they never stop to think about what animals have to go through. There is a good reason for that, which is that these businesses make a lot of money from these barbaric practices. Small or large, it's a business. Profit over lives.
And our goal here for ASAP? Use the power of universities to fight against these horrific industries that abuse animals. Until EVERY cage is empty!
With all of the exposes that we uncover here at ASAP, it can sometimes result in us unfortunately being placed on the radar.

Protecting free speech is central to our ability to promote veganism on college campuses, where our views are often unpopular.
Last year, ASAP CFO Daraius Dubash was illegally arrested for peacefully protesting animal abuse at Discovery Green park in Houston, Texas.
With support from the Law & Religion Clinic at the University of Texas and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, we are suing the City of Houston to protect free speech!

“This park has hosted many large and loud demonstrations from groups against the NRA and Black Lives Matter. Ours is a peaceful and quiet protest to bring attention to animal cruelty.
Our First Amendments rights were violated and I was illegally arrested. It’s highly hypocritical & discriminatory to allow certain groups to exercise free speech but not us.”
- Daraius Dubash
Aran, a high school student in Chicago, got involved with ASAP after he became interested in animal rights.
We supplied him with materials to promote veganism outside of the University of Chicago campus. It was inspiring to see such a bright young activist reaching so many people for the animals, all while collecting signatures to improve plant-based dining at his school!

ASAP’s impact continues even after our students graduate!
World Impact
This is just one of MANY of our testimonials that prove that not only do we leave a major impact on students in our local campuses, but even from across the world! This testimonial was before ASAP even set foot in India.
And it doesn’t stop there. Because even after students graduate & are already in the field, we still manage to leave an impact! This is just one of our MANY testimonials of individuals who have gone vegan because of us!
This all comes back to our effective & priceless tactics that we use. They are so powerful to the point where they COMPLETELY BREAK through people's cognitive dissonance.

How ASAP Effectively Breaks the
Cognitive Dissonance of Students

We’ve found that bold and quirky events are very useful in sparking discussions about veganism. Our “Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat” and “HuMilk” events are very impactful!
Building the vegan movement is our motto here at ASAP!
At any campus with an ASAP chapter, we want every vegan student to know we exist. Regular outreach is crucial for this. It’s also important to convince more students to go vegan and increase the salience of animal issues in the eyes of the general public.

Our events have attracted organic coverage by student newspapers at Brown, Columbia, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Attention-grabbing outreach events are the key to getting college students talking about animal rights. :)
We are backed by a passionate & hardworking team with over a century of experience fighting for animal rights.
Remember that all donations are doubled by an extremely generous donor, so your contribution goes farther.
Thank you for your support.